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<SDesc> is a component for creating "Description List". It is a list of key-value pairs, usually used to display a list of data.


Full name
Margot Foster
Application for
Frontend Developer
Interview status
In progress
Fugiat ipsum ipsum deserunt culpa aute sint do nostrud anim incididunt cillum culpa consequat. Excepteur qui ipsum aliquip consequat sint. Sit id mollit nulla mollit nostrud in ea officia proident. Irure nostrud pariatur mollit ad adipisicing reprehenderit deserunt qui eu.


import SDesc from 'sefirot/components/SDesc.vue'
import SDescDay from 'sefirot/components/SDescDay.vue'
import SDescFile from 'sefirot/components/SDescFile.vue'
import SDescItem from 'sefirot/components/SDescItem.vue'
import SDescLabel from 'sefirot/components/SDescLabel.vue'
import SDescLink from 'sefirot/components/SDescLink.vue'
import SDescNumber from 'sefirot/components/SDescNumber.vue'
import SDescPill from 'sefirot/components/SDescPill.vue'
import SDescState from 'sefirot/components/SDescState.vue'
import SDescText from 'sefirot/components/SDescText.vue'

You may also import all related components at once via mixin function.

import { mixin as mixinDesc } from 'sefirot/mixins/Desc.vue'
import { createApp } from 'vue'

const app = createApp(App)



The <SDesc> has various child components that you can use to build your description list. Here is a basic example of how to use the <SDesc>.

<SDesc cols="2" gap="24">
  <SDescItem span="1">
    <SDescLabel>Full name</SDescLabel>
    <SDescText>Margot Foster</SDescText>
  <SDescItem span="1">
  <SDescItem span="2">
    <SDescText>Fugiat ipsum ipsum deserunt culpa aute sint do nostrud anim incididunt cillum culpa consequat. Excepteur <a href="">qui ipsum aliquip consequat</a> sint. Sit id mollit nulla mollit nostrud in ea officia proident. Irure nostrud pariatur mollit ad adipisicing reprehenderit deserunt qui eu.</SDescText>


At the top level, use <SDesc> and <SDescItem> to define the layout. <SDesc> and <SDescItem> extends <SGrid> and <SGridItem> respectively, so you can use all the props that <SGrid> and <SGridItem> provides. Refer to SGrid documentation for more details including how to handle responsive design.

<SDesc cols="2" gap="24">
  <SDescItem span="1">
  <SDescItem span="1">

You may also define :dir to control the direction of the label and value stack. The default is set to column which stacks the label and value vertically. You may set it to row to stack them horizontally.

When setting :dir to row, you should also specify labelWidth prop which will determine how much width the label should have in the grid system. The value is in px.

interface Prop {
  // Defaults to `column`.
  dir?: 'column' | 'row'

  // Defaults to 128.
  labelWidth?: string | number
<SDesc cols="2" gap="24" dir="row" label-width="96">

You may show/hide the divider by setting :divider. It defaults to true.

interface Prop {
  // Defaults to `true`.
  divider?: boolean
<SDesc cols="2" gap="24" :divider="false">


Place labels with <SDescLabel> followed by value components such as <SDescText> or <SDescLink> under <SDescItem>.

<SDesc cols="2" gap="24">
  <SDescItem span="1">
    <SDescLabel>Full name</SDescLabel>
    <SDescText>Margot Foster</SDescText>
  <SDescItem span="1">
    <SDescItem span="1">

You may also pass value through :value instead of the default slot to <SDescLabel>. When you define both :value and default slot, the slot value will take precedence.

<SDesc cols="2" gap="24">
  <SDescItem span="1">
    <SDescLabel value="Full name" />

Text value

Use <SDescText> to display text value. Note that this component is the most generic one to display a value. Explore other specialized components like <SDescNumber> or <SDescDay> before resorting to <SDescText>. These dedicated components are tailored to display specific types of values, ensuring a more accurate and appropriate representation.

<SDesc cols="2" gap="24">
  <SDescItem span="1">
    <SDescText>John Doe</SDescText>

You may also use :value instead of the default slot. When you define both :value and default slot, the slot value will take precedence.

<SDesc cols="2" gap="24">
  <SDescItem span="1">
    <SDescLabel value="Name" />
    <SDescText value="John Doe" />

The <SDescText> has builtin styling support for links. You may make part of the text a link without having to add additional CSS your self.

<SDesc cols="2" gap="24">
  <SDescItem span="1">
      For more details <SLink href="...">refer to this link</SLink>.

You may also pass in multiple paragraphs as a content. This is useful when you want to display markdown content as a value.

<SDesc cols="2" gap="24">
  <SDescItem span="1">
      <p>Line one...</p>
      <p>Line two...</p>

When displaying long text, there might be a case where you want to trim the texts into certain length. You can do so by defining :line-clamp. The value is the number of lines you want to display.

<SDesc cols="2" gap="24">
  <SDescItem span="1">
    <SDescText line-clamp="3">
      Long text...

You may also use :pre-wrap to preserve line breaks in the text. This is especially helpful when the content comes from user inputs, such as through a <textarea> element. With this feature, the original formatting provided by users will be retained, making the displayed text consistent with their input.

<SDesc cols="2" gap="24">
  <SDescItem span="1">
    <SDescText pre-wrap>
      Text with line breaks...

Number value

Use <SDescNumber> which is a specialized version of <SDescText> that is tailored to display numbers. It provides additional styling and formatting options that are not available in <SDescText>.

<SDesc cols="2" gap="24">
  <SDescItem span="1">

You may also use :value instead of the default slot. When you define both :value and default slot, the slot value will take precedence.

<SDesc cols="2" gap="24">
  <SDescItem span="1">
    <SDescLabel value="Age" />
    <SDescText :value="37" />

The <SDescNumber> supports :separator that adds thousand separators to the number.

<SDesc cols="2" gap="24">
  <SDescItem span="1">
    <SDescLabel value="Amount" />
    <!-- Displays "123,456" -->
    <SDescText :value="123456" separator />

If the whole value should be a link, use <SDescLink>. The displayed value is similar to how <SDescText> displays links. However, <SDescLink> will always trim the value in single line.

<SDesc cols="2" gap="24">
  <SDescItem span="1">

You may also use :value instead of the default slot. When you define both :value and default slot, the slot value will take precedence.

<SDesc cols="2" gap="24">
  <SDescItem span="1">
    <SDescLabel value="Website" />
    <SDescText value="" />

You may pass in :href to specify the link destination. Use this to make link value and link destination different.

<SDesc cols="2" gap="24">
  <SDescItem span="1">
    <SDescLabel value="Website" />
      value="Official Website"

Date value

When displaying a date, use <SDescDay>. This component adds slightly different styling specialized for dates, and also provides additional formatting options.

<SDesc cols="2" gap="24">
  <SDescItem span="1">

You may also pass in the value as Day object with optional :format. The :format supports formatting syntax of Day.js with the default being YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.

<SDesc cols="2" gap="24">
  <SDescItem span="1">
    <SDescLabel value="Birthday" />
    <SDescDay :value="day" format="MM-DD-YYYY" />

Pill value

You may use <SDescPill> to display a value using <SPill>. The size of the pill will be automatically adjusted to fit the description list item.

interface Props {
  pill?: Pill | Pill[] | null

interface Pill {
  mode?: Mode
  label: string

type Mode =
  | 'neutral'
  | 'mute'
  | 'info'
  | 'success'
  | 'warning'
  | 'danger'
<SDesc cols="2" gap="24">
  <SDescItem span="1">
    <SDescLabel value="Type" />
    <SDescPill :pill="{
      mode: 'info',
      label: 'Photo'
    }" />

You may also pass in mutiple pills as an array.

<SDesc cols="2" gap="24">
  <SDescItem span="1">
    <SDescLabel value="Categories" />
    <SDescPill :pill="[
      { mode: 'info', label: 'Book' },
      { mode: 'info', label: 'Si-Fi' },
    ]" />

State value

Use <SDescState> component to display a value using <SState>. The size of the pill will be automatically adjusted to fit the description list item.

interface Props {
  pill?: State | null

interface State {
  mode?: Mode
  label: string

type Mode =
  | 'neutral'
  | 'mute'
  | 'info'
  | 'success'
  | 'warning'
  | 'danger'
<SDesc cols="2" gap="24">
  <SDescItem span="1">
    <SDescLabel value="Status" />
    <SDescState :state="{
      mode: 'success',
      label: 'Complete'
    }" />

Avatar value 3.2.7

Use <SDescAvatar> component to display a value using <SAvatar>.

interface Props {
  avatar?: Avatar | null

interface Avatar {
  avatar?: string | null
  name?: string | null
<SDesc cols="2" gap="24">
  <SDescItem span="1">
    <SDescLabel value="Status" />
    <SDescAvatar :avatar="{
      avatar: "/path/to/avatar.jpg",
      name: "John Doe"
    }" />

File value

Use <SDescFile> to display a list of files. Useful when you have a "attachment" list in the form.

interface Props {
  item?: Item | Item[] | null

interface Item {
  name: string
  onDownload(): void
<SDesc cols="2" gap="24">
  <SDescItem span="2">
    <SDescLabel value="Attachements" />
    <SDescFile :file="[
      { name: 'John-Doe-Resume-19851010.pdf', onDownload: () => {} },
      { name: 'profile-photo.jpg', onDownload: () => {} }
    ]" />

Empty state

All components that support :value can accept empty values, which are represented as null or undefined. When :value is not present or is empty, the <SDescEmpty> is displayed.

Although it may not be very useful, you have the option to directly use <SDescEmpty> to display empty values.

<SDesc cols="2" gap="24">
  <SDescItem span="1">
    <SDescEmpty />